Dance Floor is Dangerous. Sexual Harassment And Assault

In light of the news and conversations about sexual harassment and assault committed by celebrities and other people well-known to the public, it needs to be pointed out that this does not only happen in the workplace, wherever that may be for someone. It really happens everywhere. 

One place it tends to be normalized is on the dance floor of clubs, bars, and at concerts. I know it took me a long time to see it for what it is. It is Not ok. How hard is it to ask someone if they want to be touched in any way? Additionally, what are the security guards/bouncers at bars and clubs doing to interfere and lessen this to set a firm example that consent is a must-have? (Nothing from what I’ve seen). It does not have to be this way.

​I hope this post provides encouragement for men and women to report their experiences and one’s they’ve witnessed to those security personnel, bartenders, managers, etc. Point out the person who made you or someone else uncomfortable. It is true that many you tell won’t care, and I could even go as far as saying that there are venues that are very aware their business feeds off on the people who harass and assault others. Speak up anyway! Nothing will change for the better if we stay silent. There are also many outlets to give reviews, so go on and write one on a club/bar/venue’s Facebook page or on Yelp. Many owners are receptive to this type of communication about their businesses.

Lyrics to my song, “Dance Floor is Dangerous”
I won’t dance the way they want me to
They didn’t even ask

Give me my hat back
Don’t grab me
Don’t come up from behind me
Stop touching my hair
You don’t know me!

Body weight on mine
And I push back

When lights go down
Hands do what they want, I guess
But they look surprised when I turn around

Some see women as animals
That can be touched whenever they want
I’m not your dog!
I’m not your cat!

No one is entitled to
Dance is not an invitation
My moving body is for myself
And they are still interrupting my fun

I’m calling them out on their shit – but they don’t get it

Body weight on mine
And I push back

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Artistic Protest #1


Men’s Health: The Missing Link