Terms of Use
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All content on this website – except for links and citations of other websites content – is copyrighted by Brianna Halek, owner of mentionables.org. The content can only be re-used for educational use.
If using Mentionables as an educational resource, be sure to give credit to Mentionables.org by writing or typing the link to mentionables.org .
Any commercial use, downloading, distributing, copying, publication, or modification are prohibited unless mentionables.org has given specific permission to a person or organization to do so.
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Sometimes mentionables.org will link to other websites for the purpose of either giving credit to research and other information found or referring to as a resource. However, when referring to a linked websites, mentionables.org does not necessarily agree with all content that can be found on those websites, and it can not be guaranteed that the linked websites have the most correct information for you personally.
Always see a qualified healthcare professional for the most accurate health and wellness information for your personal needs!